You probably wanted or still want one of the bags made by the famous brand. If you do, check out the new Louis Vuitton Monogram Canvas Montaigne bag. It is perfect for us all and it is something that stands out from the crowd, now when all looks the same.
The exterior is slim, increasing the practicality of the bag to a completely new level. But, inside it is well-organized, well-designed and also practical. Compartments are sufficient for women who want space only, or those who want to carry a fashion statement and still get plenty of space inside. As we said, this bag is perfect for all.
Designed to meet the demands of business women, the bag comes with a removable and fully adjustable strap. You can carry it in a hand, on the shoulder and on any other way you can imagine. The strap can be placed inside, and due to there are several compartments inside. The main one uses a padlock to protect your belongings, there are also 2 BB pockets and one conventional pocket. Two wide compartments are a nice addition that also makes this bag a bit special.
Golden, metal elements are something else. They are scratch resistant and very durable, so none of the looks won’t be compromised regardless how long and how often you carry your new bag. Gold color also makes the entire bag look more classy than it actually is.
One of more original additions is the protective system at the bottom. The studs will make sure your belongings are fully protected at all times, no matter what you do with the bag. It may be a rare feature, but it is very useful.
Carrying this bag in Paris or in your hometown will get you the same result. You will be noticed and probably get a few nice compliments.